Grapes are berries from the grapevine - Vitis vinifera – which belongs to the Vitaceae grapevine family. To obtain beautifully full bunches of large, juicy grapes, the grower must prune the least favourably positioned grapes at an early stage. That way, the other grapes on the vine have sufficient room to grow.
Grapes are available in three different colours: green, red and black. Nowadays, both seedless and seeded grapes are produced. To meet demand from clients, Haluco works closely with partners in South Africa, India, Italy and France, amongst others. For example, our partner SAFE, located in South Africa.
Handy to know: per 100 grams, grapes contain approximately 78 kcals, 0,5 grams protein and 16 grams carbohydrates. They are also a source of vitamin C.
Ideal storage temperature:
Between 3 and 4 degrees Celsius.
We can supply grapes in various packaging formats, including:
- Loose in boxes
- Punnets
- Mixed in Punnets
White grapes
Red grapes
Purple grapes